Locating and animal carcass and disposing of it in a safe manner is an essential task, and equally essential is the systematic sanitization of the area in which the carcass has been found. This step is extremely important to ensure that there are no pathogens left behind by the carcass, pathogens that can spread diseases even after the animal is gone.
Pests like raccoons, skunks, squirrels, bats and birds are recognized as notorious disease vectors and carry on them several bacteria and viruses that are capable of causing a wide variety of serious diseases ranging from Tularemia, Leptospirosis, Lyme Disease and Giardia to Rabies and Salmonella. This is one of the primary reasons that home and business owners should strive to keep these pests away from their property.
Now, when an animal dies, most of these bacteria and viruses die along with it. This, however, does not happen immediately. The carcass of the dead animal, as well as its bodily fluids, still hold these parasites and disease-causing germs as well as other organisms like mites and ticks, and most of these organisms immediately start looking for another host that they can live off.
Any bodily fluid of the dead animal that may be left behind such as saliva, blood, urine or other deposits such as stools etc. therefore carry a host of disease-causing organisms too. So. Even when you have cleared the carcass, these organisms remain in the area, in the hope of finding a new host.
Therefore, to avoid the possibility of the residue of an animal carcass spreading disease even after it has been removed, proper sanitation of the area while wearing the right protective gear, is extremely essential.
The animal may have also visited other areas on your property while looking for a peaceful place to die, and these areas too need to be sanitized.
Sanitization is therefore an important step in the removal of a dead animal of your premises, as it helps in containing the possible spread of dangerous bacteria, viruses and other organisms that were using the animal as a host. Call us for dead animal removal.